双电层电容器法拉电容znp(2.7v)系列series standard products: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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规格 item | 特性 performance |
额定电压 rated voltage(vr) | 2.7 voltage |
标称容量范围 nominal capacitance range | lead type:1f~100f | solder pin type:100f~360f | cylindrical type:360f~3500f |
容量误差 capacitance tolerance | ±20% | -10%~+30% | -5%~+20% |
工作温度范围 operating temperature range | -40℃~+60℃ |
循环寿命 cycle life characteristics | 测试方法 measure methods | 在25℃下,用恒定电流使电容器在规格电压和半额定电压间循环充放电。(500,000次) capacitors cycles between specified voltage and half rated voltage under constant current at +25℃(500,000cycles) |
容量变化 capacitance change | ≤初始值的30% ≤30% of initial value |
内阻 internal resistance | ≤初始值的2倍 ≤2 times of initial value |
寿命 lifepan | 贮存寿命 shelf life | 在+60℃条件下,无负荷贮存1000小时后电容器符合规定的限值。 after1000 hours storage at +65℃without load shall meet specification for endurance |
耐久性 endurance | 在+60℃条件下,施加额定电压1000小时后,电容器符合规定的标准。 after 1000 hours application of rated voltage at +65℃, within % of initial specfied value |
寿命测试 life test | 在+25℃条件下,在额定电压下使用10年后,电容器符合规格定的标准。 afer 10 years at rated voltage and +25℃.within % of initial specfied value |
容量变化 capacitance change | ≤初始值的30% ≤30% of initial value |
内阻 internal resistance | ≤初始值的2倍 ≤2 times of initial value |
温度特性 temperature characteristics | 测试条件 measure condition | at -40℃,+25℃,+60℃ |
容量变化 capacitance change | ≤初始值的30% ≤30% of initial value |
内阻 internal resistance | ≤初始值的2倍 ≤2 times of initial value |
电压保持能力 | 测试条件 measure condition | 在室温条件下,用额定电压恒压充电8小时,再开路静置24小时后,测试端电压符合规定的标准。 |
电压保持 voltage change | ≥80%*vr |